On Sawila Spellweaving

Sawila cast spells using intricate songs and dances, taking a long time to do so and often requiring the presence of several Sawila participants to bring the spell-song to fruition. These rituals can take hours or even days, but their potency and effects can astonish normal Talislantan magicians. The Sawila are a peaceful race of…

On Phantasian Astromancy

The prediction of the destinations of the stars and other celestial bodies is the demesne of the legendary crafters of the skies, the Phantasian Astromancers. Although stripped of most of the awesome power of their Archaean ancestors, Phantasians can still command potent sorcery. The main advantage, and disadvantage, of this tradition of magic is that…

On Gnorl Rhabdomancy

Gnorls - alongside Black Savants, Dhuna Witches and Xanadasian Savants - are some of the most secretive of Talislantan peoples, and their magical tradition is so steeped in mystery than hardly anyone alive can properly describe it. This is what makes Rhabdomancy so powerful: it is the art of finding, trading and using secrets for…

Greater Spells of Talislanta

It's no secret that yours truly has a strong preference for the 2nd edition of Talislanta, although there are many good things to be said about the 3rd and 4th editions as well. To that end Thystram modified & expanded the 2nd edition magic system to include elements of these latter editions to provide a…

20 People to Meet in Tarun When You’re Undead

A brief listing of strange encounters in the Farad port-city of Tarun, crossroads between East and West in Talislanta. Not warranties, guaranties or assurances - express or otherwise - are implied in the use of this listing, which is strictly for informational and not practical use. WEIRD ENCOUNTERS 1 A patrol of Danuvian Blood-Dancers (mercs…

Martial Arts Techniques

This is a sample of special martial arts moves particular to specific races or locales in Talislanta. Rather than develop intricate martial arts for each race, most of which players won't touch because of their complexity or the fact that you only get to play so many PCs before a game ends, and each of…

The Library at Jinnafar

On the eastern bank of the Sea of Glass stands a partly-ruined watch tower from an olden time, besieged by the wilderlands on its flanks and fractured blocks of green and blue glass at its back. This relic of a lost civilization has been colonized by an expedition of Callidians from the city of Jalaad,…

Treasures – Minor Charms

The markets of Talislanta are brimming with enchanted amulets, charms, demonic fetishes, lucky relics and other magical bric-a-brac, only some of which isn't worthless, fraudulent or downright dangerous, and the prepared GM should have a table handy to deal with those situations when the naive Thrall warrior just has to buy a charm from that…

2nd Edition Character Sheet

Simplicity works best for Talislanta. This is a revised 2nd edition Talislanta character sheet that re-arranges some fields, has spots for Thystram's modified magic system and adds a bit more room for equipment and other stuff. Feel free to use it for your games. Talislanta 2nd Edition Revised Character Sheet - PDF 62 KB.