Talislanta Ads – Still Full of Elves

The one thing that everyone who's ever roleplayed remembers about Talislanta is the phrase "No Elves" from the infamous ad campaign in Dragon magazine that ran during the late 80s and early 90s. I say "infamous" because half of gamers nowadays seem to remember them fondly while the other half remember them with a burning…

Preview of Talislanta: The Savage Land

Over on Facebook and Kickstarter Steve Sechi has posted a few preview pages of the upcoming Talislanta: The Savage Land book being prepared for printing this year. It looks gorgeous. The book is full-cover, with splendid interior design, painted illustrations and new typography, finally giving Talislanta a professional look that's been absent for a long time. The…

Random Encounters 5: The Northern Reaches

By popular demand here are the obstacles, frozen or otherwise, you will encounter when you journey through the lands of blue ice & frost demons, including Narandu, L'Haan, Harak, Xanadu and Tamaranth. Remember to get the crystal amulet of permission to travel through the North from the Snow Queen, or any of her registered agents…

Gallery of French Talislanta Art

Did you know Talislanta had a French edition with some pretty cool illustrations? Presented here is an art gallery of all the archetypes from the French edition published by Ludopathes Editeurs (now defunct, sadly). Some of these designs are very evocative and detailed, providing an excellent reference for the cultural details of each race and…

Trade Goods by Type & Region

Let your inner Djaffir Merchant run wild! The first of these lists shows general trade goods by type that might be available across Talislanta; the second list shows the major exports of each region/country and any exotic or special resources they may have, whether they are exploited or not.  Items on the second list are…

Talislanta Book Covers

Talislanta has had an incredibly tangled and varied history as a published game, and its covers show its ups and downs very clearly. I always found it annoying when searching the net for Talislanta to only find tiny thumbnail images of the books. This page is an archive of higher-resolution covers for various Talislanta books…

Random Encounters 4: The Seven Kingdoms

This week and for one week only we're selling a scroll of Random Encounters in the Seven Kingdoms for the insanely-low price of seven gold pentacles, or that tiny crystal statue of Kabros you've got stashed in your backyard but refuse to sell, you parsimonious Tanasian. Your humble correspondent did not have the mental fortitude…